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Friday, January 29, 2016

Elite Deals Club

Elite Deals Club

So I been doing these reviews for this website called Elite Deals Club. What I do is that I get discount items to review them on Amazon, all you have to do is test the products you order at a discount or even free (you will receive a code for the discount) and once you receive your item in the mail and you test it then you will go to Amazon and leave an honest review (they don't care if it's a good or bad review) and the item is yours to keep, but there is a trick to this, they only reveal the special Elite items on 3 different times, the first special starts at 7am PT (10am East Coast) and you need to log in that time on the dot because it goes quick, but if you're lucky and get that code you go to Amazon and get your item, during this special you can only get 1 item. The second special starts at 11am PT (2pm East Coast) they will have bigger and better items (again for a amazing discount prices) you do the exact same thing as the first special but you can get more than 1 item/coupon code, but these go soooooo fast, like I said before log in at exactly at that time. I have gotten amazing items with those specials. the last special is the night special at 5pm PT (8pm East Coast) they usually have 1-2 items during that nights special. those go extremely quick, I personally never have gotten one. 

I have gotten several products from this site for free or at a discount price.

But you will need an Amazon account, preferably a Prime account because you will get free shipping with prime, if you don't have a Prime account you can get 30 days free Prime trial and you can cancel after that. 

Here are a few examples/screenshot photos of Elite Deals Club site. Hopefully this will help you.

This is just more information for you to read about this site.

You can sign up with your Facebook account or with your email and set up a password.


This is what your stats will look like, I have purchased 32 items from this site and I have reviewed 9 items so far, they won't rush you to review any item, when you are ready to review then you can summit you review. 

But make sure you have a disclaimer on your review stating you got this product at a discount price for an honest review, if you don't add this disclaimer and Amazon finds out you will be banned and kick out of your Amazon account and I am not making this up, they are dead serious about it.

This is what my history looks like, this is one of the items I got for free, I just received them today from UPS, this is so easy to do, a kid can even manage to do this lol. everything you need is right in front of you.

Here is the link if or when you want to sign up and want to try this site out.

But here is a warning once you try it out you will be hooked lol I sure am :)

I will be posting soon all my Elite Deals items on my blog, I hope you have fun and enjoy.

Well ta-ta for now!
And I will blog you later.....

Xoxoxo Jackie

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