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Friday, January 22, 2016

Sorry I Haven't Blogged

Sorry I haven't been blogging recently, I been under the weather and on Thursdays at 1pm my fiances grandmother passed away. She was 96 years old. I never grew I up with any of my grandparents so Tillie was the only person I saw as a grandmother. I been with my fiance for a little over 5 years and I been blessed to have had 5 wonder years with grandma Tillie, I am so devastated by her passing but I know she isn't in pain anymore. Tillie lived a long and beautiful life with her 4 sons and tons of grandkids, great grandkids, great great grandkids and even great great great grandkids. My fiance took it even harder, she pretty much was his second mother. They were so close to each other and my kids are broken hearted by this news. But we know she is finally resting in heaven with her husband grandpa Tony. We will miss you everyday grandma Tillie and we will always love you.

Otilia Ballesteros
Born, Raised, Lived & Died in Riverside, California.

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