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Thursday, February 11, 2016

PetSpy Stainless Steel Dog Nail Clippers

AMZ Review Trader Item

So I have signed up to another website when you can request to review items for free or at a discount price for Amazon sellers. This is one of the items I have got for a discount price (I think I paid a $1) I been needing nail clippers for my Chewbacca because her nails are ridiculously long lol yes yes yes I know I can take her to a groomer but they are pretty price. So I decided that I need to do my own grooming but there's a problem with that as well, i'm so scared I might cut to low and hurt her, I know his is the #1 fear of all pet owners is to hurt your furry baby while clipping their nails. Well I read the review on these awesome clippers and can I say how much I love these. Once I got them my fiance Tony grabbed Chewbacca and started clipping away and she was fine, the resaon why these are so awesome is that they have a safety back, meaning it has a little stopper on how far you need to cut, which is brilliant because we don't to hurt her. She sat there calmly and she didn't mind getting her nails cut. What a good furry baby I have. I recommend these to anyone who is so scared to cut their furry babies nails.

AMZ Review Trader:

Where you can purchase these clippers:

Okay I have to go to bed so ta-ta for now!
And I will blog you later...

Xoxoxo Jackie 

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