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Tuesday, February 16, 2016

SiliChews Teething Necklace

Amazing Deals Group Item

Okay so I got this from Amazing Deals Group, another site where you get discount or free products for an honest and unbiased review on Amazon, but you can only do 2 items at a time, they use coins to get a code, complete a review and get a coin, It's pretty easy. Okay so this is item #6 from that site, I will post the rest later, just been so busy lately.
Okay so I got these SiliChews Teething Necklace for my nephew, he will be entering this crazy world in April, so my sister will be getting these next month for her baby shower. So that's why they are still in the packaging, sorry the picture isn't so great the bag has a cloudy film to it. Well these are a great new product, babies love pulling on necklaces and putting them in their mouths, and I have been through so many necklaces because my niece used to pull on them and rip them lol. So I got this for free on Amazing Deals and Amazon has them for $19.89, yeah that's a lot for a teething necklace, so happy I got this for free. They are BPA free and it suppose to provide instant relief  when the baby is teething. Plus the I love this color, it's one of my favorites. I can't wait to see my nephew use this necklace. It's such a clever and neat idea. I think all moms should consider buying this teething necklace, plus it looks so fashionable.

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Well ta-ta for now my amazing followers...
And I will blog you later.

Xoxoxo Jackie

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